Bulletin Distribution
Electronic copies of the bulletin are stored on this page. Each week, the bulletin is emailed to parishioners and to guests that have signed up here. Paper copies can be found inside the Church, Pastoral Services Center and Gonzaga Hall. To review the bulletin submission process and deadlines, please see at the bottom of this page.
Bulletin Process and Submission Deadlines
The parish itself is required to meet strict printing schedules. Therefore, bulletin articles are due nine days (8:00 AM on Thursday) before the weekend the article would appear in the bulletin. Earlier deadlines may be necessary during the seasons of Easter, Christmas and Thanksgiving.
Bulletin items should be provided electronically in a PDF, MS Word or MS Publisher format. Graphics and photos should be JPEGs or GIFs.
Priority is given to parish events and ministries. Ministry submissions go to the staff resource of the Commission the ministry falls within. Outside events are published if the information is of interest to parishioners and when space allows. Outside event submissions go to the Communication Secretary.
Submissions may be edited prior to publication.