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11.2.2023 Confirmation group photo.jpg



Bishop Duca announced last December that the year for the Sacrament of Confirmation would change to 7th grade. See the buttons to the left for Bishop Duca's letter.

Dina Dow, the Diocesan Secretary for Evangelization, created a Frequently Asked Questions to accompany Bishop Duca's letter. See the buttons to the left for this FAQ.

Parents of current sophomores should read the Confirmation 2025 letter via the buttons to the left; this will also be distributed via email and the parish bulletin.


Currently we do not have additional details to share about Confirmation at St. Aloysius; we are working with the diocese to better understand Bishop Duca's plan for the Sacrament of Confirmation. 

If you have any questions, please email MacDougall Womack:

When is Confirmation?

​At St. Aloysius we traditionally Confirm teens in the fall of their junior year. We also welcome seniors who aren't confirmed. We open registration in the spring for current sophomores and juniors, and our program runs from August to November.

We strive to remind our candidates that our faith is constantly growing and that no one is a perfect Catholic. Doubts, questions, and stumbling blocks are normal and natural for all of us at any point in our life. What is important is a love for God and a desire to move forward in our faith.

Why should I be Confirmed?



You should consider being confirmed because doing so brings you closer to God and His love for you. 


It also gives you the opportunity to approach God more intimately with your struggles and anxieties, including those regarding your faith! The sacraments are our visible signs of God's love for us, and confirmation delivers tremendous graces into your life through the Holy Spirit. Lastly, it gives you a more firm foundation in your relationship with the Catholic Church.


Confirmation may also be a way for you to honor your family and their decision to have you baptized in the Catholic Church. Furthermore, you can choose a sibling, uncle, aunt, godparent, grandparent, teacher, or another significant friend to serve as your confirmation sponsor.


How can parents get involved and help?


St. Aloysius needs parents to help us during our journey to confirmation! The biggest need is for parents (and other interested adults) to serve as confirmation small group leaders. All of our confirmation candidates meet in small groups of six to eight teens, which gives them the perfect venue to learn and express their own thoughts regarding the Catholic faith and confirmation.


We have received wonderful feedback; every year the candidates are clamoring for more time with their small group at the end of the process! Please email MacDougall Womack if you are interested in helping!


Baptized but Never Confirmed?

The Sacrament of Confirmation completes the grace of Baptism, more perfectly binds one to the Church, and enriches one with a special strength of the Holy Spirit.  Are you an adult Catholic who has received First Communion and First Reconciliation but have not yet been Confirmed?  Soon after each new year, we offer preparation classes leading to the Rite of Confirmation on Pentecost Sunday.  To receive more perfectly the gifts of the Holy Spirit through the Sacrament of Confirmation email Deacon Chauvin or call the parish office 225-343-6657.​​​



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Confessions at the scheduled times are offered only when the adjacent scheduled Holy Mass is celebrated


2025 Stuart Avenue, Baton Rouge, LA 70808


Mon - Thu 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM; Fri 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM


Tax ID 72-0491439

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or holidays, please call 225-465-4521

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