The church operating account is funded through the Offertory collection. The offertory is used toward parish (Worship, Spiritual Growth, Social Responsibility, Education, Administration and Community Life) ministries, the surrounding community, clergy & office staff, utilities, grounds upkeep, facility maintenance and repairs, security, etc. Detailed financial reports are provided annually in Aloysius Alive. Each with different roles, the Pastor, Finance Council, Pastoral Council, Church Business Manager & Bookkeeper and Diocese of Baton Rouge oversee church collections and spending.
Did you know? St. Aloysius commits 10% of its operating income to Social Responsibility causes!
Building Fund
The building fund collection is the 2nd collection on the first Sunday of every month. Collections are dedicated to realizing the goals of the parish Master Plan until those goals are realized.
Capital Campaign
Two phases of the ongoing Capital Campaign remain: the Parish Activity Center and the Chapel. Donations toward the Capital Campaign are being saved to meet these goals of the parish Master Plan.
Memorial Gifts
The Church teaches us that it is a good and holy thing to pray for one another – both for the living and the dead. Pious works like fasting and almsgiving may also be prayerfully offered to God for our own good and the good of others. Memorial Gifts are beautiful opportunities to offer prayers and alms to God to honor or remember those we love. All memorial gifts, unless otherwise specified, are devoted to the building fund.
Donations to the parish endowment are invested and held at Baton Rouge Area Foundation. Endowment gifts are preserved in perpetuity. Contributions to date, serving as the principal balance, total $566,293.
Parish Endowed Scholarships
Held in the School Endowment Fund, the parish set a goal in 2018 to fund two full scholarships to help offset annual tuition costs for needy families. In 2023, one scholarship became fully funded!
Did you know? Net proceeds from the Auction Class projects are being devoted to this goal!
Historically, full and partial scholarships have been awarded annually to children of Child Care Center workers and children of parishioners within a criteria of: Grades K - 7, financial need, scholastic achievement, high character and extra curricular involvement.