“The Liturgy is the Summit toward which the activity of the Church is directed, at the same time, it is the Fount from which all the Church’s power flows."
Documents of Vatican II, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, 10
Liturgical Ministries Schedule
The celebration of the Eucharist, or the Mass, as an action of Christ and the people of God, is the center of Christian life. Parish life at St. Aloysius is centered around the daily celebration of the Eucharist, several Sunday Masses, and the liturgies and feasts of the church year. The Bishop, Priests, Deacons, lay ministers and the whole liturgical assembly each have an important and unique role to play in these liturgical celebrations. St. Aloysius has several worship ministries in which lay ministers are invited to serve:
Mass Coordinators
Funeral Mass Coordinators
Wedding Liturgy Coordinators
Ministers of Hospitality/Ushers
Altar Servers
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Art and Environment Committee
One of God’s greatest gifts to creation is the gift of music. Just as Jesus and the Apostles sang hymns and psalms during the Last Supper, so does the liturgical assembly sing during the celebration of the Eucharist. St. Aloysius offers several music ministries which encourage and support the singing of the assembly in worship:
A Children’s Choir (ages 8-14)
A Handbell Choir, the Festival Ringers
A choir for 9:00 Sunday Mass, the Chorale
A choir for 11:00 Sunday Mass, The Renewal Singers
An ensemble leading “Contemporary Christian” style music for 5:30 Sunday Mass
Cantors and Song Leaders
Organists, pianists, and other instrumentalists
Learn more about the parish’s Casavant Pipe Organ.
Review the ministry guidebook to read more about the Worship Ministries or contact Director of Worship, Ken Thevenet kthevenet@staloysiusparish.com 225-343-6657, ext. 20.